Ilford Photo

// Ilford Inspires


Ilford Photo

Project Title

Ilford Inspires

Production Type

Film Production


Social Media
Ilford Inspires, Craig Fleming image of camera - Mamiya RZ67

Ilford Photo

Ilford Photo stands as a renowned name in the world of black and white photography. With a legacy spanning decades, this iconic brand is synonymous with premium quality photographic products.

From film to paper, Ilford’s offerings cater to both professionals and enthusiasts, delivering unmatched depth, contrast, and timeless aesthetics. Embraced by artists and photographers worldwide, Ilford Photo remains a steadfast choice for those who seek to capture the beauty of life in stunning monochrome.

With Ilford Photo’s legacy as our backdrop, we embarked on a shared mission to unravel the life behind black and white portraiture.

Through Craig’s discerning eye and our adept video production skills, ‘Ilford Inspires’ came to life as a tribute to the brand’s timeless influence.

The documentary captures the nuanced interplay of light and shadow, craftsmanship, and creativity that defines Ilford Photo’s legacy.

Captured over three days in Manchester’s Northern Quarter, we used the district’s vibrant street art and historic red-brick architecture as the project’s backdrop.

We meticulously framed each scene, harnessing the locations unique vibe to bring the project to life.

As the sun dropped on the final day, we wrapped up the shoot with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that we had captured a compelling narrative to tell Craig and Ilford’s story.

Together, we told the legacy of Ilford Photo, with Craig Fleming’s photographic artistry at the forefront. ‘Ilford Inspires’ stands as a testament to our collective dedication to capturing the extraordinary through a lens of innovation and creativity.

Upon release the project quickly gained recognition across the photographic industry amassing 20k views within the first few days, with this total climbing each day.

Producer // Ben Piper
Camera // Ben Piper
Editor // Ben Piper
Production Support // Matt Parry
Booking & Management // Kim Mouncer
Location Support // NQ Studios


Longform video content to be published on hosting channels YouTube & Vimeo

Social Outputs – 30-45s for tiktok, Instagram & YouTube Shorts.


18k + views

The initial engagement of the production quickly hit 12k views within 24 hours, on Ilford’s YouTube platform, spiking uplift and engagement across their other social channels and creating a drive to share additional content from the companies user base.

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